Saturday, May 30, 2009

Saint Louis JAZZ

Excuse the brevity of this post, I am not a huge fan of typing on cyber cafe keyboards, and I don't have my computer or an internet connection here in Saint Louis. I got here yesterday evening, and saw the Talking Horns from Germany and then Géraldine Laurent from France.
(The website is if you want to check it out.)
The hotel I'm staying in is Hotel du Palais. It's more of a motel than anything else, but after calling close to 15 hotels and hostels and hearing that everywhere was full, I was just happy to get a room! It's clean and inexpensive, however, and located right in the middle of the main island, which is perfect.
I love Saint Louis, but my impression last time I was here was one of calm breezes and tranquil streets. Not so this crazy festival weekend - its much closer to the atmosphere at a Dakar outdoor market. It's a lot of fun, but trying to wander around on my own and enjoy the sighst is absolutely impossible. I'm constantly harassed and people try to sell me things or ask me to buy them powdered milk (??) or beg from me. If nothing else, then some random Senegalese teenager will start walking around with me helping me find things and refuse to leave my side. They don't outright ask for anything, and I can't ask them to leave me alone because they're just being helpful. If I ask them why they're walking around with me, they tell me they enjoy my company. Uhhhhh, okay.
I'm going to make a serious effort today to ignore everyone and get some alone time. There's so many things to eat and buy and take pictures of!
More on my new homestay in Dakar when I get back. Hope you all are well... leave your address if you want a postcard!


Anonymous said...

Powdered milk? You want I should mail some powdered milk to Dakar?

Or maybe I should send pepper spray instead?
xoxoxox Elizabeth

Anonymous said...

Got any new music for me? xoxo Rob

Jacinthe said...

sorry I didn't write back to you on skype yesterday. My internet kept saying "pending" on my messages. i would tell you to send me a postcard, but i wouldnt be able to get it. how is everything there. i'm insanely homesick for no good reason. we should try skype again. after tomorrow, i'm 5 hours ahead of home.

Zoe said...


I spent some time with Salimata the other day since we're both in Swarthmore for the summer. We miss you a ton and think that you have to go back to our apartment and visit Rupert and take lots of pictures with your new camera.
