Friday, November 21, 2008

For Poppop's men's discussion group!

SEM Fund Kiva Page

I have found the SEM Fund profile on, for anyone who is interested! And here is a link to some of the groups from Keur Gu Mag in Diourbel (wolof is spelled out in many different ways, because it's not originally a written language, remember). The site is the SEM site, but each group links to their kiva loan page. I met with groups from Jabbot, Propaf, Tocossone, and Kheweul. (And maybe others, but those are the names I recognize.)
SEM Fund Diourbel page

I also found that a Kiva Fellow (volunteer) who visited Senegal to meet with Kiva's partners in the area visited Keur Gu Mag, too. Ibrahima Faye showed me a picture of him that he had in an album, so I was surprised to see the same picture when scrolling down the Kiva Fellow blog... here's the link to the Fellows Blog for Senegal. The picture I'm talking about is in the entry called 'Happiness'.
Kiva Fellow Senegal Blog

Wow, that's lots of links. I'm clearly procrastinating, but at least you, dear readership, get to reap the benefits of my web-surfing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Would you like your family and friends to loan to a group? Would we use KIVA to do that? MOM